The Human Project
You have access to a power resource that can catapult you into a new dimension as a Kingdom Citizen. This resource is a library of books, The Living Word of God, that is available to all of Humanity!
Learn how to access the power of the Living Word by joining me for "The Human Project" right here on ETV!
The Living Document
Welcome to my series on "The Human Project!" What if I told you that the most significant dominion you have on earth is the power to decide who you are not? The only way to do this is to read the Bible every day. This is the most beautiful routine for someone who wishes to walk in dominion.
Tale of Two Humanities
As humans, we can sometimes become preoccupied with trying to keep up with everything going on around us. We assume that by being active on, and keeping up with various social media sites, we have everything we need. I'm here to inform you, however, that the Bible is superior to any other social ...
Jesus Revealed
Have you ever wanted to read the Bible but found that you weren't enjoying it because the stories didn't make sense to you? Would you believe me if I said that the only reason this might be the case is related to not being able to identify Jesus in the Old and New Testament stories? Well, we can ...
Eat The Whole Roll
You have access to a power resource that can catapult you into a new dimension as a Kingdom Citizen. This resource is a library of books, The Living Word of God, that is available to all of Humanity!
Learn how to access the power of the Living Word by diving into “The Human Project!"
Books of Divine Insight
Today's world is undergoing several revolutions, but how delightful it will be to take part in the one that lasts forever.
As we discuss the prophetic books in this episode of the Human Project, you’ll realize that the Bible isn't a book from long ago; rather, it provides you with present reali...
Cultural Disrupters
The Bible, which is the Living Word of God, is the best place for answers to any life concerns that trouble you.
In this week’s installment of the Human Project, join us as we examine the New Testament books of the Bible to learn more about God’s covenant with humanity, who Jesus is, and how kno...